Scientists can still keep the faith
The EU referendum result this morning raises more questions than it answers, particularly for us around the future of science and science funding in the UK.
According to many articles, letters, surveys – even our own informal poll at the EU science debate earlier this year – the majority of scientists across the UK were in favour of our remaining in the EU.
However, this result will not divide us. It is more important than ever that scientists bring their systematic approach to problem-solving, their research skills, their passion for collaboration and innovation to the table as we navigate the future and explore opportunities for our members.
So here’s three things you can do today to keep faith in the future of science.
1. Thank your colleagues
There’s been some ugly rhetoric over the last few months and many people may be affected. We all know how important our colleagues, from the UK and across the world, are to the success of the work we do. So thank them. Rise above the vitriol and remind them of the value they bring to your work.
2. Join a professional body or association
Collective action can ensure that leaving the EU still gives the scientific community what it needs. Add your voice to the wider community of scientists, and our concerns are more likely to be heard. If you’re not sure which professional body to join, use our quick-check tool.
3. Test a hypothesis
In the lead up to the referendum, the Science Council invited people from the Leave campaign to offer up their arguments for leaving the EU.
Now that the people have voted, why not give them a read to consider their weight: The safe choice for science is to Vote Leave and The EU is a hopeless anachronism – let’s leave and build a better world.
Whatever happens, the Science Council is committed to supporting scientists across the UK and the wider world. Let’s take comfort in our global community.