The President

The President of the Science Council is elected by Member Bodies for an initial two-year term and is eligible for election for one further consecutive term of up to two years.

The President of the Science Council acts as champion and ambassador for the  science profession. They promote the value of professional body membership and registration, and amplify the collective voice of our Members. They are the public face of the Science Council with key stakeholders, representing us at the highest level with governments, parliaments, industry, universities, scientific and engineering institutions, and other public and voluntary bodies.

Read the President’s role description

The current President, elected in July 2024, is Professor Catherine Ross CSci CBiol.

Professor Catherine Ross CSci CBiol

Catherine Ross said:

“It’s an honour to have been elected President. The Science Council’s purpose is to strengthen the collective impact of the scientific community to deliver public benefit. I look forward to working with colleagues from across our membership and continue to support the important work that the Science Council does with and on behalf of the science community.”