Annual General Meeting
The Science Council’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a formal meeting of Member Bodies, providing them with an opportunity to hear from the Board on the work of the charity, progress on strategy and plans for the future.
The business of the AGM includes receipt and consideration of the annual report and accounts, the appointment and determination of the remuneration of the auditors, announcement of new Board members, and any other business relating to the charity. When applicable, the business will also include the election of the President.
Annual General Meeting 2024
The Annual General Meeting of the Science Council was held at 11am on Thursday 27th June at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA. Formal business included:
- THAT the minutes of the General Meeting held on 22nd November 2023 be received and approved.
- THAT the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023 be received and considered.
- THAT Kreston Reeves Chartered Accountant be reappointed as external auditors of the Council until the conclusion of the 2025 Annual General Meeting
Resolutions were voted on by way of a poll. All resolutions were passed unanimously with 19 Members voting for, none against and no abstentions.