Nomination of Catherine Ross for President of the Science Council

The Board of Trustees has nominated Catherine Ross to be the next President of the Science Council.

Catherine is a current trustee of the Science Council and chair of our Policy Advisory Committee. She is the Chief Scientific Officer for Scotland, the Scottish Government’s most senior clinical advisor for healthcare science professional issues, and head of profession for the scientific workforce within the NHS in Scotland.

The Board believes that Catherine’s professional background and status make her eminently qualified to take on the role. They recommend that Members vote in favour of the resolution to elect her.

Vote now

Each Member of the Science Council is entitled to vote in the election. The resolution is open from today and will close at midnight on Thursday 1st August. If the two-thirds threshold is reached before midnight on Thursday 1st August, the election will close, and the result will be announced shortly afterwards.

If you have any questions please contact Oli O’Hanlon.