Laura Wilkinson CSci, Technical Advisor

Laura Wilkinson
Registration level: Chartered Scientist (CSci)
Job title: Technical Advisor
Professional body: Institute of Water
Scientist type: Business scientist
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"It is great to be able to look back on previous work and see how far I have developed in the past 10 years."
I applied for Chartered Scientist status as I believe it is a valuable certificate that recognises my scientific achievements and competencies. Within Northumbrian Water we are encouraged to pursue chartered status through The Institute of Water as it is tailored to our industry. It is a great achievement to add to my CV and will benefit me in my future career development. The application process was really straight forward and I was able to use examples of work I had recently completed.
It is great to be able to look back on previous work and see how far I have developed in the past 10 years. We often do not reflect on previous accomplishments however the CSci application requires you to look for examples of your competence; although slightly daunting this really does give you a sense of achievement.
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Have you been inspired by Laura Wilkinson CSci? Find out how to apply to become a Chartered Scientist (CSci) here.