Dr Amanda Potter CSci, Chief Executive

Name: Dr Amanda Potter
Job title: CEO
Professional Body: British Psychological Society (BPS)
Scientist type: Entrepreneur Business Communicator Scientist
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Why did you decide to apply for Chartered Scientist (CSci)?
As a researcher and developer of new assessment products, I see myself to be both a Psychologist and Scientist as such believe the Chartered Scientist status recognises the importance of continual research and development in the area of Occupational Psychology.
How has Chartered Scientist status made an impact on your work or career?
Both the Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Chartered Scientist titles give me, my organisation and our research credibility.
What did learn through completing the application process?
The importance of research and development, attending and presenting at relevant conferences, researching and hosting psychology podcasts to keep the knowledge up to date, and to be regarded as a thought leader/grounded research scientist.
What do you value most from being a member of your professional body?
The knowledge sharing, the acknowledgement and recognition of the profession, the BPS verification process for products for assessment, the publications, articles and insights.
What would you say to any other scientist like yourself who is thinking about becoming a Chartered Scientist?
It is definitely a string to your bow that you will never regret, and always appreciate in helping to provide credibility for the work you do, and the difference you are striving to make in peoples lives, in teams and in organisations.