Chartered Scientist (CSci)

Affinity Water scientist sits in the office working at a computer and reading reports
Chartered Scientists demonstrate effective leadership, using their specialist knowledge and broader scientific understanding to develop and improve the application of science and technology by scoping, planning and managing multifaceted projects.

Chartership as a scientist reflects the wide variety of sciences and their practice, recognising high levels of skill and experience, independent of discipline.

Once registered, you must maintain your status through meeting continuing professional development (CPD) requirements each year.

Meet some of our other Chartered Scientists

How do I become a Chartered Scientist?

Applicants need to demonstrate their competence across five areas by providing examples from your working life, usually within the last five years. You will also need to provide professional references that can vouch for your knowledge and experience. You are then assessed, either on paper or in a face to face interview, depending on which Licensed Professional Body you are a member of.

An applicant for Chartered Scientist will need to explain how they meet the competences below. Guidance is available, click here to find support and useful information for your application, or contact us here.

Applicants for CSci who do not hold a Level 7 or above qualification must complete a CSci equivalence report. The purpose of the report is to evidence that you have gained the equivalence knowledge to a Level 7 qualification through work-based learning.

If you need support with this, please get in touch.

Find out more about Chartered status from Gill Shaw CSci.