Benefits of Membership

The Science Council is a community of member organisations advancing science through the professional registration of scientists and technicians who meet the highest standard of professional competence and follow an established code of conduct.

The Science Council’s strength comes from its broad membership across disciplines and professions and an ability to be multi- and inter-disciplinary in its approach. We take an inclusive approach to membership and welcome all qualifying organisations committed to high professional standards in science.

Find out the benefits of membership with us below:

Expand your network

There are currently over 30 organisations in our membership, spanning the range of broad and niche scientific disciplines. Membership with the Science Council allows your organisation to expand your network, through a number of forums and knowledge exchanges. When your organisation becomes part of the Science Council community, your team will be invited to attend any of our peer-led discussions, including:

  • Apprenticeship Workstream
  • CEO & Leaders Forum
  • Employer Champion Forum
  • Event Managers Network
  • Marketing and Communications Forum
  • Membership Managers Network
  • Policy Forum
  • Registration and Licensing Learning Group
  • Technical Education Forum

Inclusion and diversity

The Science Council and its member bodies commit ourselves to creating greater opportunity for any individual to fulfil their scientific potential, irrespective of their background or circumstances.

By joining the Science Council your organisation demonstrates its commitment to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in the sciences, to attract and support the widest possible talent to the science workforce and fostering a greater diversity of scientific ideas, research and technology.

Support talent in science

The young people of today will be the professional scientists of tomorrow. The Science Council is dedicated to supporting and recognising emerging talent in science.

Join us and our members in our commitment to fostering and supporting talent in science. We support students following Apprenticeship, T Level and Higher Technical Qualification pathways in their technical careers, integrating our professional awards to recognise skill and competence in science.

As a member of the Science Council, your organisation will have the opportunity to join us in increasing awareness and uptake of technical careers and increase the number of employers engaging with technical pathways, as well as shaping the future of technical education.

Policy and Thought Leadership

Science Council’s Members connect to a broad community of scientists, technicians, science teachers, students and learners. Many Member Bodies actively engage with policy makers, lending their expertise to maximise the value of science to society.

The Science Council facilitates discussion and coordination of messages in relation to key policy issues, to share information and amplify the impact of all members.

Guided by the membership, the Science Council can also harness the collective voice of our community, influencing Government and other key stakeholders on pan-scientific issues including the future of the UK’s scientific workforce.

Become Licensed

When your organisation joins the Science Council as a Member it can then become a Licensed Body.

Becoming licensed to offer professional registration demonstrates your commitment to supporting your members in their careers by recognising their competence, skills and knowledge within your industry. In addition to the benefits of membership, becoming a Licensed Member of the Science Council supports you to raise and reinforce the standards of professionalism, depth and breadth of knowledge within your sector of science workforce.

The Science Council will help you raise your profile through promotional activityworkshops, sharing best practice and collaboration with other Licensed Bodies.

Find out more about the benefits of licensing here.

The Science Council holds a Royal Charter to license members with any of four registers:

  1. Chartered Scientist (CSci)
  2. Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach)
  3. Registered Scientist (RSci)
  4. Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)


Join our community and apply for Membership today.

Got questions? Get in touch with us here.