Dr Sharon Ann Holgate CSci, Science Writer and Broadcaster

Dr Sharon Ann Holgate
Registration level: Chartered Scientist (CSci)
Job title: Science Writer and Broadcaster
Professional body: Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)
Scientist Type: Communicator
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"CSci status reinforces a sense of continuity between the research I carried out for my doctorate and communicating science."
The value of being a Chartered Scientist
Having CSci status reinforces a sense of continuity between the research I carried out for my doctorate and communicating science, and makes me feel part of a wider scientific community.
How important is CPD in revalidating chartership?
The CPD required to maintain CSci is extremely important to me as every facet of my work requires a slightly different skills set which must be constantly updated. I find the structure of the CPD scheme I follow for CSci incredibly helpful when deciding what training will be most beneficial for me. I also feel a sense of perspective and achievement from the reflection and planning aspect of the CPD.
Become professionally registered
Have you been inspired by Dr Sharon Ann Holgate? Find out how to apply to become a Chartered Scientist (CSci) here.