Science for all: equality and diversity resources

As a leading voice in the STEM community, the Science Council strives to seek every opportunity to be proactive in promoting and communicating equality, diversity and inclusion across science.

To aid organisations and our peers in doing so, we have collated a number of resources which may be helpful in achieving this vision:

Science Council resources:

Our main EDI page

Our Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group

Information on our Diversity and Inclusion Progression Framework

Member and partner resources:

Institute of Chemical Engineers:  A new report by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) suggests that a career in chemical engineering provides significant opportunity for upward social mobility. Find the reports, ‘Social mobility and the chemical engineering profession in the UKand ‘Social mobility: a survey of the UK chemical engineering profession’ here. 

Royal Society of Chemistry: The Royal Society of Chemistry has released a report seeking to address bias during the academic publication process. Read the report ‘A framework for action in scientific publishing – Improving inclusion and diversity in the chemical sciences’, here.

Royal Academy of Engineering: The Royal Academy of Engineering has released a toolkit for allies, to support diversity equality and inclusion.

British Science Association: The British Science Association has shared five key findings and six recommendations are highlighted in the inquiry report on Equity in STEM education, released by the APPG on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM. 

Useful articles:

Organisations need to take real action against racism – Binna Kandola

Time for action on ethnic diversity in the workplace – Personnel Today

How businesses failed race – Management Today

Everyone’s an Anti-racist, now what? – Erin Aubry Kaplan, New York Times

Charities and organisations to support: