Science Council CPD Award Winners 2015
Each year the Science Council’s CPD Learning Group holds an all-day workshop to share best practice, discuss the achievements of the group throughout the year and consider their goals for the coming year.
This year the group hosted, for the first ever time, the presentation of the Science Council’s new CPD awards. The awards are designed to celebrate the efforts and achievements of our Registrants and to offer them recognition for their broad and diverse range of professional activities.
“CPD is inseparable from daily practice; daily practice is inseparable from CPD.”
Adrian Jackson, winner of the Chartered Scientist award
Three Registrants gave talks on their own CPD experience. The talks were all very different, demonstrating the huge range of CPD activities a Registrant can undertake and the great variety of approaches they take to it. What was common to all of them, however, was the sense of proactivity and self-driven professional learning and development, with the support of their employers and their Professional Bodies.
“Undertaking CPD is enjoyable, it never feels like hard work.”
Lisa Hollands, commended for the Registered Scientist award
The last talk, from Registered Science Technician award winner, Timothy Williamson, demonstrated the enormous range of activities that can count towards CPD – Tim is one of a tiny number of people who completed a 7 day unsupported race to the Arctic Circle, gathering data for research on survival in extreme conditions.
Winners and commendations
Chartered Scientist award
- Adrian Jackson, BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT
- Gordon Sutehall, Institute of Biomedical Science
- Daniela Negrini, Royal Statistical Society
- Apostolos Fakis, Royal Statistical Society
Registered Scientist award
- Ben Palmer, Institute of Science and Technology
- Lisa Hollands, Institute of Science and Technology
- Eric Edmonds, Royal Society of Biology
Registered Science Technician award
- Timothy Williamson, Institute of Science and Technology
- Laura Green (Institute of Biomedical Science)
- Leighton Jenkins (Institute of Science and Technology)
Chartered Science Teacher award
- Michelle Pope, Association for Science Education
Contact us to find out more about the CPD Learning Group or the CPD Awards.