Science Council launches Development Licence
The Science Council launches a new licensing option for professional bodies in science and engineering today, 18th March 2021.
The Development Licence is an introductory licence available to new member organisations for the first 2 years of their professional registration journey.
Take the first step
The Development Licence has been created to make licensing more accessible and to support organisations to administer professional registration applications and CPD.
Organisations will be able to support their members through professional registration and continued professional development, while gaining experience of the process with the support of the Science Council.
Those licensed with the Development Licence will have access to our online application system, where the Science Council will administer applications for professional registration on a Licensed Body’s behalf.
In addition, the Science Council will provide assistance with annual CPD audits, ensuring that registrants are supported as they develop their skills, knowledge and confidence in science.
The annual licence fee for a Development Licence is £1000 per year for the first 2 years.
Time to grow
After 2 years, the Licensed Body would progress to a full licence where they will still be able to access our online application system.
There is also opportunity to opt into our Joint Monitoring Process for CPD audits, providing that the organisation has less than 100 registrants.
Alternatively, at the 2-year mark, if the Licensed Body would like to start processing their own applications and CPD in house they can do so provided that this is approved by our Registration Authority (RA).
Start your journey
Start your journey today and join an international community of science and engineering professional bodies.
The Science Council is a community of 28 Licensed Bodies, committed to advancing science through the professional registration of scientists and technicians who meet the highest standard of professional competence and follow an established code of conduct.
Becoming a Licensed member of the Science Council community supports you to raise and reinforce the standards of professionalism, depth and breadth of knowledge within your sector of science and science technology workforce.
Find out more about eligibility, how to apply for licensing and more here.