Member Networks and Forums

Science Council member networks and forums help you to widen your professional network and develop collaborations.

CEO & Leaders Forum

The Chief Executives and Leaders Forum is an opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics and shape Science Council work.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Forum

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Forum is an opportunity to discuss progress against the Diversity and Inclusion Progression Framework 3.0 and other efforts to make science more accessible. It is chaired by our Diversity Champion, Dr Jade Hall, and showcases work by all our members.

If you are working on EDI at one of our member bodies and would like to attend, please contact Brian Wagenbach, Member Engagement Manager.

Event Managers Network

The Events Manager Network is a forum for sharing best practices and learning with other event leads. Topics reflect the constantly evolving field of event production, such as the balance between face-to-face, virtual and hybrid events, event planning tools and software, diversity and inclusion, sustainability, and staff wellbeing.

If you are an events lead at one of our member bodies and would like to attend, please contact Liz Gill, events manager.

Marketing and Communications Forum

The Marketing and Communications Forum is an opportunity to share knowledge and gain insight from other marketing leads. Topics include promotion, campaigns and events communication.

If you are a marketing and communications lead at one of our member bodies and would like to attend, please contact Peigu Zhao, marketing and communications officer

Policy Forum

The Policy Forum is an opportunity for member organisations to discuss, collaborate and shape Science Council policy influencing work.

If you are a policy lead at one of our member bodies and would like to attend, please contact Dan Sumners, Head of Policy and Engagement.

Registration and Licensing Learning Group

The Registration and Licensing Learning Group provides a space for licensed member organisations to discuss areas of best practice, and to share advice and resources. Previous topics of discussion have included assessing equivalence, volunteer recruitment and sustainability within CPD.

Licensed members nominate representatives to attend these meetings. If you are interested, please speak to your colleague who manages the Science Council licence.

Apprenticeship Workstream

The Apprenticeship Workstream is an opportunity to share information, ideas and approaches. We identify collaborative engagement activity with employers, training providers, apprentices and other stakeholders. Key topics include encouraging more apprentices to engage with membership and registration, and raising the profile and prestige of apprenticeships. You can find out more about apprenticeships on our Technical Education webpages.