Apply for membership

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Science Council. We are pleased that you recognise the benefits of membership and look forward to speaking to you about your application.

To apply for membership your organisation must

How to apply

  1. Download the application checklist.
  2. Mark up the application checklist to show that you meet the requirements.
  3. Send your marked up checklist and required documentation to [email protected]

Next steps

We will be in touch to discuss and finalise your application. It will then be considered by our Board of Trustees at its next meeting. If approved, the Board will recommend your membership  at the next general meeting of the  Council or, if agreed, by email.

Please contact us if you have any questions, would like to discuss anything or are not sure if you meet the requirements for membership.

How much does membership cost?

2025 Fees:

The Science Council annual membership fee is calculated based on the number of paying members in your membership. From this figure students, overseas members who are not registrants and retired members are excluded to reach a final figure, which is multiplied by £0.97 to calculate the annual fee.

Members with 30,000 or more individual paying members will pay £27,059 per annum; Members with fewer than 943 individual paying members will pay £1136 per annum.

2026 Fees:

Number of paying members in your membership multiplied by £1.00 to calculate the annual fee, subject to upper and lower limits: a ceiling of £27,059 and a lowest membership fee of £1,436.

How long does it take to become to a member?

Once your membership application is received, it is reviewed by the Science Council Board. If recommended by the Board for membership it is sent to the full Council for approval. This process normally takes about 3 to 4 months.

What happens after becoming a member?

New members are welcomed into membership, usually at a Council meeting. You and your team will be offered an induction meeting with our CEO or other relevant members of staff.

We will start to promote your organisation on our website and newsletter and via social media. You will be invited to join the various groups and forums and be given the dates of forthcoming meetings and events. Your staff will be given the opportunity to receive our newsletter and you are given access to the membership area on the website.

Maintaining your membership

To remain a Science Council member, each year we ask you to;

  • Provide information about your membership numbers.
  • Pay the annual membership fee

Please do email us if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything.