British Psychological Society

The British Psychological Society
48 Princess Road East
Tel: 0116 252 9911
Email: [email protected]
Member case studies:
Nick Adams RSci
Jennifer Glenc RSci
Ciara Wild RSci
With over 50,000 members, The British Psychological Society is the representative body for psychologists and psychology in the UK. By its Royal Charter the Society is charged with national responsibility for the development, promotion and application of psychology for the public good.
We enhance the efficiency and usefulness of psychologists by setting high standards of professional education and knowledge and we cover all areas of psychological research and practice.
We increase awareness and influence of psychology, support our members’ professional development and provide a wide range of conferences and events.
We also produce an extensive variety of publications, including our award-winning Research Digest, and through arrangements with partner organisations, make available to our members an excellent selection of other psychology resources. We offer a range of membership options and our subscriber categories are open to anyone without recognised psychology qualifications who has an interest in the science and practice of psychology.
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