Apply for licensing

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Licensed Body. All Licensed Bodies must be members of the Science Council. If your organisation is not yet a member, please ensure you qualify for membership and start the application process.

Criteria for becoming a Licensed Professional Body

  • If applying for a Chartered Scientist licence, you must have at least one membership standard at graduate level.
  • A minimum of 5 years experience administering that standard, or if not then your application is being made in association with a licensed member.
  • Members holding the above standard are bound by a Code of Professional Conduct.
  • A disciplinary procedure written and upheld.
  • A monitoring process for the professional development of a qualified group of its members.

If your Professional Body meets all the above requirements, please contact us for a Licensing Application Form and to ask any questions you have about the process.

Development Licence

The Development Licence is an introductory licence available to new member organisations for the first 2 years.

It has been created to make licensing more accessible and to support organisations to administer applications and CPD.  The Licensed Body will have access to our online application system where the Science Council will administer applications for professional registration on your behalf.  The Science Council will also help you with your annual CPD audit.

After 2 years, the Licensed Body would progress to a full licence where they will still be able to access our online application system.  They will also be able to opt into our Joint Monitoring Process for CPD (if they have less than 100 registrants).  Alternatively, at the 2-year mark, if the Licensed Body would like to start processing their own applications and CPD in house they can do so provided that this is approved by our Registration Authority (RA).   The full licence fees can be found below:

Full Licence

There is a £495 fee for any new licence applications to cover internal administrative costs during the application process. This fee is non-refundable in the event of an application withdrawal, however it will be taken from your annual licence fee in year one if your licence application is complete.


License fees are invoiced in January. If a Licensed Body joins the Science Council part way through the year, we will charge a pro rata fee.

Fees from January 2025

  • £3,127 for 1 licence
  • £4,118 or 2/3 licences
  • £5,090 for 4 licences
  • £1,564 for the Development Licence

Fees from January 2026

  • £3,427 for 1 licence
  • £4,262 or 2/3 licences
  • £5,090 for 4 licences
  • £2,131 for the Development Licence