Shinu Yohannan CSci, Principal Engineer

Name: Shinu Yohannan MEng CSci CEng IntPE (UK) MIET MIEEE MIScT
Job title: Principal Engineer
Professional body: The Institute of Science and Technology
Scientist type: Investigator and Developer Scientist
Why did you decide to apply for Chartered Scientist (CSci)?
My father inspired and motivated me to become an Engineer and then to a Scientist
recognition. I have always been supported by my mother, wife and guided by extraordinary
teachers and mentors, who contributed hugely to all the success I have had so far in my
professional career. The Science Council’s Chartered Scientist Award is a prestigious award
because it evaluates and recognizes scientific competencies, and it shows that the recipient
is not only educated to a high level but that they have a track record in their professional
career. The award is unique and requires the Scientists to demonstrate and emphasise
competence across different scientific areas. The Scientist status has provided me with more
scientific opportunities. The post-nominal Chartered Scientist are recognised and respected
by many different disciplines.
How has Chartered Scientist status made an impact on your work or career?
The award helped me grow my reputation as a Scientist. The postnominals Chartered
Scientist are an acknowledgment of my commitment to work and to science over my several
years of professional life. The Scientist status has not only improved my employability but
has also changed my relationship with other scientists. I am now able to help others on their
path by encouraging them to achieve their dreams.
What did you learn through completing the application process?
The Scientist award is granted only after a successful competency-based peer evaluation
process and is therefore considered meritorious. The skills and knowledge can be evaluated
and assessed by a panel of experts from the specific scientific area. In my professional
career, I recognised that Scientist Award is the highest recognition globally. Since then, it
has been my aim to attain the required knowledge and competence through qualifications
and work experience.
What do you value most from being a member of your professional body?
I’m proud to be a member of a world well-renowned organisation like The Institute of Science
and Technology. It gives more opportunities to interact with other Scientists worldwide. IST
provides more advanced Scientific knowledge sharing and communications. I’m interested in
continuing to find the connection between innovation, creativity, and engineering. I would
also like to encourage young professionals, to ensure people are given the freedom to grow
and develop. At the moment, I am gaining knowledge by mentoring others through the
professional body.
What would you say to any other scientist like yourself who is thinking about
becoming a Chartered Scientist?
As a Scientist, it is the highest standard to demonstrate that you have acquired highly skilled
professional competence. It also shows your commitment to your profession, and I would
strongly recommend it to others to help them achieve their goals. It is very valuable as a way
of gaining credibility within your field of work.