Gemma Norburn RSciTech, Anatomical Pathology Technologist

"Professional registration with the Science Council not only demonstrates my knowledge and experience but also helps us work with other disciplines to develop this."
Why did you decide to apply for professional registration?
Professional registration is important to me for a number of reasons. As a member of a non-compulsory registered profession, I seek to strengthen our careers and the work that we do through encouraging others to become voluntarily registered.
Professional registration is crucial in creating a role that others can have faith and confidence in when relying on them, which is particularly important in after death care. On a personal level, I strive to be the best I can which includes keeping my skills up to date and logging a record of this.
What makes the Science Council’s professional registration award different to other registration awards you may be eligible to apply for?
The broad nature of the Science Council award, in that it is available across all scientific disciplines, is what appeals to me personally. Key to my thoughts around professional registration is the alignment of our profession with professions in other scientific disciplines.
How has professional Registration with the Science Council made an impact on your work or career?
Since being awarded my RSciTech status in September 2021 I have felt I am a more confident member in the wider Science community. It is very exciting to be given this award, and I look forward to what it means for my future. In my career I aim to work alongside the development of the education and training of APTs to improve the opportunities available.
Professional registration with the Science Council not only demonstrates my knowledge and experience but also helps us work with other disciplines to develop this.
What do you value most from being a member of your professional body?
From the beginning my career four years ago, I became a member of the Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology (AAPT) in order to connect with others in the same profession. My manager encouraged me to do so, and I would recommend others to do the same when possible.
I love the member’s section of the AAPT website where we can log our Continual Professional Development (CPD) and read articles or important information pertaining to our work. I also very much enjoy attending the different talks and webinars that are organised for members.
What would you say to any other scientist like yourself who is thinking about professional registration?
I think that anyone thinking about applying for professional registration should just go for it. The process is simple and very worthwhile, with a huge amount of support available along the way. If it is something that you are considering, what is stopping you? Make a start on the application today!