Read our 2025-28 strategy

By 20.03.25

front cover of the strategyWe have today published our strategy for 2025-28, Elevating the science workforce. On behalf of our Board of Trustees, thank you to our members and other partners who helped us shape it.

Our purpose, which flows from our Royal Charter and our public benefit declaration, is to connect the science professions and offer professional recognition for scientists, science technicians and science teachers. From 2025-28 we are focused on 

  • providing scientists, science technicians and science teachers with professional registration that is attractive, accessible, and trusted by employers and the public; and
  • supporting and connecting our Members, potential members, partners, employers, policymakers and delivery agencies.

Professor Della Freeth, chief executive, said: “Everyone at the Science Council is excited and energised as we enter the next strategic period. We will be simplifying and improving everything we do, making sure our focus is supporting and growing our community, and promoting high professional standards.

“A huge thanks to everyone who has helped us develop this vision and will deliver it with us. We would not be able to do all that we do without our members and volunteers.”

You can download both the full strategy document [PDF, 7 pages] and a summary [PDF, 10 slides]. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything in the strategy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.