Online system hits 1,000 applicants
The new online application system for professional registration, which launched last September, has reached its 1,000th applicant milestone. The online... read the full article
The new online application system for professional registration, which launched last September, has reached its 1,000th applicant milestone. The online... read the full article
Chartered Scientist, Professor Stephen Holgate appeared in front of a group of MPs last week to discuss widening access into... read the full article
Leading science academics and entrepreneurs from around the world gathered in Nottingham yesterday for the 2016 Scientific Laboratory Show and Conference,... read the full article
By Andrew Lee RSci, Technical Team Leader (Food Sciences), University of Nottingham Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are increasingly becoming more business orientated,... read the full article
The Science Council visited the Medical Research Council’s site at Harwell yesterday to formally launch their professional registration scheme, along with... read the full article
It can be tricky for scientists to find a Membership Body that fits their personal and professional identity, especially if... read the full article
We work with a range of volunteers at the Science Council who help us achieve our different areas of work. As today is Volunteer... read the full article
The Science Council visited the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow yesterday to award its Employer Champion plaque to the Dean... read the full article
The Science Council is working with Scientific Laboratory Supplies to champion the excitement and enjoyment of a career in science at... read the full article
Last night saw the launch of Technicians Make it Happen, an exhibition and campaign by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation that challenges... read the full article