Susie Holmes, CSci, Soil Science & Growing Media Consultant

Name: Susie Holmes
Registration level: CSci
Job title: Soil Science & Growing Media Consultant
Professional Body: British Society of Soil Science
Scientist type: Teacher Scientist
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Why did you decide to apply for Chartered Scientist (CSci)?
To improve my credibility within my profession and to demonstrate that I carry out continuing professional development. In the past I have been an expert witness for legal work and having Chartered status is beneficial for this type of work. It has also been useful when working on research projects as a sub-contractor to larger consultancy companies.
How has Chartered Scientist status made an impact on your work or career?
It has helped me grow my reputation as a soil scientist and as a teacher in that discipline. I believe it has also been a factor in winning of tenders, being an approved supplier to corporate companies and being appointed to carry our research and consultancy work, particularly since becoming self-employed in 2009. Most of my work involves teaching now and having Chartered status demonstrates a proven track record in my field.
What do you value most from being a member of your professional body?
Interaction with other soil scientists, the opportunity to increase my knowledge via conferences, webinars, regional meetings etc. Being kept up to date with events and technical developments.
What would you say to any other scientist like yourself who is thinking about becoming a Chartered Scientist?
It is very valuable as a way of gaining credibility within your field of work and then demonstrating continuing professional development. Customers for work are familiar with the designation as it used by other professions, such as accountants, so it is a recognised status.