Adam Cowin CSci, Geo-environmental Consultant

Name: Adam Cowin
Job title: Geo-environmental Consultant
Professional Body: The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
Scientist Type: Geoscience
Why did you decide to apply for Chartered Scientist (CSci)?
I applied for CSci to demonstrate my understanding of scientific competencies specific to my career and also my wider interest in earth sciences. I wanted to be a part of the wider scientific community so I could share and gain further knowledge with likeminded professionals.
How has Chartered Scientist status made an impact on your work or career?
My work involves detailed assessments of the environment and the impact in which infrastructure may impact the quality of soil and controlled waters. Achieving CSci will help me demonstrate to clients that I undertake this work to a high standard and I can provide that extra value in delivery.
What did you learn through completing the application process?
During the application process I had to ensure that I was aware of past, present and future scientific developments – not only in my industry, but throughout the scientific world. It’s important to objectively understand the gaps in our scientific understanding and how we can address issues in the future based off our current knowledge and technology.
What do you value most from being a member of your professional body?
I am appreciative of the level of support throughout CIWEM. This extends between the Science Council and CIWEM and I’ve found it incredibly easy to find the resources I need to develop my knowledge.
What would you say to any other scientist like yourself who is thinking about becoming a Chartered Scientist?
If you have a genuine passion for science and utilise scientific practice in your career then I would recommend exploring how to become a chartered scientist. During the application, the hardest part is putting pen to paper, so I recommend just making on your career overview and looking back at what you’ve achieved and what potential gaps you need to address. Gaining CSci is a great achievement and I would recommend getting it done sooner rather than later to anyone considering it.