David Bremner CSci, Radiation Protection Adviser

Name: David M Bremner
Job title: Radiation Protection Adviser, Radioactive Waste Adviser, Environment Protection Adviser. Radioactive Materials Transport Officer
Professional Body: Nuclear Institute
Scientist type: Entrepreneur Scientist
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Why did you decide to apply for Chartered Scientist (CSci)?
To gain external accreditation. Others said to me it would be too much work and too difficult, which motivated even more to go for it. I also felt it would help expand and enhance my knowledge of science and scientific related legislation, I am also passionate about scientific improvements and development and how it can improve the world, particularly in relation to environmental remediation of nuclear sites and how scientific innovation can solve some of the legacy issues. In addition, I am passionate about how scientific innovation help to solve climate change.
How has Chartered Scientist status made an impact on your work or career?
It demonstrates to my employer and other key stakeholders that I have been accredited by a national independent body as a professional scientist and has helped me mentor new science graduates and through my work as a STEM Volunteer.
What did learn through completing the application process?
The paper application is quite time consuming, and it is important to give practical examples of work you had done it relation to the questions in the application. When the application is accepted, this is generally followed up with an interview (either face to face or via skype), with two CSci’s. This will last for an hour, again it is important to prepare for the interview with plenty of practical work examples (eg interactions with regulators, advice to employers, scientific improvements/research, reporting non compliances, keeping up to date with new legislation, training etc).
*Please note the face to face assessments are only offered by some Licensed Bodies. Through the Science Council’s Common Application process only the written form is available.
What do you value most from being a member of your professional body?
It helps with CPD and networking with like minded people in the industry, and also allows access to a range of resources. It has also allowed me to give something back by being a member of the membership committee and also as an assessor/interviewer for applicants who wish to be members and/or chartered scientists. I am also a trained Licence Reviewer for the Science Council.
What would you say to any other scientist like yourself who is thinking about becoming a Chartered Scientist?
As mentioned previously it does demonstrate to key stakeholders your professionalism as a scientist. Once you have achieved it I feel if promotes continual professional development.