Why the Professional Qualifications Directive is vital for UK science
While Britain still basks in the glow of Olympic success this summer, autumn and the return of MPs after the... read the full article
The Science Council provides the quality assurance system for those working in science. We set the standards for professional registration for practising scientists and science technicians across all scientific disciplines. Through our Licensed Bodies we admit to our registers scientists and science technicians who meet our competence and conduct requirements and commit to Continuing Professional Development. Those scientists who reach the required standards are recognised by the following designations CSci, CSciTeach, RSci and RSciTech.
While Britain still basks in the glow of Olympic success this summer, autumn and the return of MPs after the... read the full article
The Report of the Independent Panel on Technical Education was published today, setting out a vision for technical education in... read the full article
Following our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 14th June, we are pleased to announce the appointment of 3 new trustees; Dr... read the full article
As we have heard at every Budget and Spending Review in the past 6 years, the government recognises that investment... read the full article
Chartered Scientist, Professor Stephen Holgate appeared in front of a group of MPs last week to discuss widening access into... read the full article
England does not have a world-class apprenticeship system according to a new report by the University of Derby and the... read the full article
The Science Council has been recommended to take a leading role in overseeing the degree accreditation frameworks across science by... read the full article
The UK economy will need to attract and train up to 73,000 new science apprentices between now and 2025 to... read the full article
Last night, the Science Council hosted the first debate between the two official lead campaigns for the EU referendum, on the... read the full article
The House of Lords Social Mobility Committee report on improving young people’s transitions to work has concluded that there remains... read the full article