CPD Awards 2020: Meet Christian
Meet our judges! This week, we spoke to Christian Burt, a CPD Awards Judge, IBMS Professional Support Services Manager and Secretary to the AAPT Council. Read on to find out more about the behind-the-scenes process of the CPD Awards 2020.
What are your top tips for success at the CPD Awards?
As a judge for the CPD awards, a standout entry for me will demonstrate a reflective approach to the CPD activities undertaken. To be considered as an outright winner, or for a commendation, it is vital to avoid generic statements within your learning outcomes, and instead detail how the CPD has led to changes and improvements to self and service.
The CPD awards ceremony includes presentations from winners across all four registers and every year there is an obvious commitment to seeking new learning opportunities and encouraging others. Be an inspiration to your fellow technicians and scientists through your commitment to CPD.
What do you enjoy about judging for the CPD Awards?
It is a great opportunity to demonstrate my own personal commitment to CPD through this voluntary engagement with the Science Council. Many of the entries are first class and it is a useful measurement of how my own Licensed Bodies, the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) and Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology (AAPT) are performing CPD-wise across the wider UK scientific community.
What is your ideal work-from-home area to begin judging?
This year, Mary from the Science Council used an innovative on-line secure judging platform to aid the judges working from home. I took some weekend time out on a rainy day and enjoyed several cups of flat whites and set to the task.
Why do you like volunteering for the Science Council?
The staff at the Science Council are responsive and innovative and the CPD Learning Group is a really friendly and approachable platform for ideas and improvements to the CPD standards. It also allows for more general discussion on Science Council work streams and, even when I cannot attend every meeting, I try to contribute with tangible actions such as the CPD awards judging.
Has judging for the CPD Awards inspired your own CPD?
It does! Every year it is a welcomed email from the Science Council to invite me to judge. My own CPD is recorded on the AAPT CPD portfolio whereby I can also reflect on the judging experience.
How do the CPD Awards support scientists?
Winning the Science Council CPD awards can be a significant springboard for your own professional journey. A past biomedical scientist CSci winner now leads a Medical Examiner Officer network and the awards demonstrate the achievements of scientists and technical staff who go above and beyond general competence standards set by regulatory bodies.
How does your Licensed Body support scientists via the CPD Awards?
The IBMS undertake a CPD review of 2.5% of all registrants each year. Our own assessment team offer support and guidance for those selected and strongly encourage a self-submission for the CPD Awards. We have been delighted at the IBMS to consistently have biomedical scientists win and be commended at the CPD Awards ceremony – the aim is to keep that up!
For the AAPT, we are slowly seeing APTs apply for the register and with their own professional body scheme having a significant emphasis on reflection, I am confident that APTs will also be submitting quality CPD submissions in 2021 and beyond.