Appointment of Helen Munday as new IFST President
The Science Council are pleased to share the appointment of Helen Munday as the Institute of Food Science and Technology’s new President.
Helen has served the last year as President Elect and takes up her appointment from IFST’s Annual General Meeting which took place on 31 March 2020.
Helen Munday is currently Chief Scientific Officer for the Food & Drink Federation (FDF) and in this role she is accountable for the diverse food safety and science policy briefs, but also has responsibility for sustainability and contributes to health and wellbeing policy. Helen has a wealth of experience within the food and drink sector. She started her career with Mars Petcare where she spent 20 years in various roles including nutrition research, product development and innovation processes. Helen has also held the position of Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs for Coca-Cola and worked as Lead Technologist in AgriFood at InnovateUK. As well as being a Fellow of the Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) Helen is also a Registered Nutritionist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Following her appointment, Helen commented:
“The integrity of the food and drink system has rarely been so front of mind for everyone, and it is within this context that I am particularly privileged to be appointed to the role of President of the Institute of Food Science and Technology. The food profession is a very broad one, covering all elements of the supply chain, many scientific disciplines and encompassing those in businesses, academia, Government organisations and beyond. Our ability to embrace and harness new technologies will be key to providing access to safe, affordable, nutritious and not least enjoyable food for all in these challenging times ahead, and I look forward to leading IFST as we strive to meet these needs.” – Helen Munday
The Science Council and IFST would like to thank David Gregory for his time and significant contribution as President of IFST during which time the Institute has continued to grow and prosper. David will continue on the Board as Past President for two further years.
During the AGM, the following other trustees were also appointed:
- Chris Gilbert-Wood (independent consultant) as Chair of Scientific Committee
- Prof. John O’Brien (independent consultant) as Chair of External Affairs
- Dr. Craig Leadley (Campden BRI) as Chair of Publications
- Helen Taylor (Technical Director, Cardiff Metropolitan University) as Chair of Professional Development.
Find out more about the Institute of Food Science and Technology here.